
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:00:36
西冷牛排、肉眼英语分别怎么说?我看饮食节目经常看到西冷和肉眼但不清楚英语怎么说 莎朗牛排、菲力牛排、T骨牛排有什么区别吗?哪种牛排好 西冷牛排的做法西冷牛排在哪里有得卖?超市里有吗?如何选择新鲜牛排?肉质闻起来有点酸酸的属于正常牛排吗?具体做法请宝贝们请教,感激! 北半球是夏季,南半球是什么季 “我希望中国能进世界杯”用英语怎么说? 十二五什么时候召开?还有就是世界经济发展中的问题对我国有哪些启示? 为什么南半球热带草原气候分布这么广? 南半球的热带草原气候的一月、七月的气候特点分别是什么? 热带草原气候主要分布在(), 热带草原气候分布在哪温带季风气候和温带大陆性气候呢 Few pleasures can equal ( )of a cool drink on a hot day.A someB anyC thatD those 十二五规划是从那一年开始的 北半球的夏天,地球在远日点,南半球的夏天,地球在近日点请问:南半球的夏天是不是比北半球的夏天热 是不是南半球的夏天比北半球吸收多啊?同上热量啊 近日点的南半球夏天比远日点的北半球夏天热吗 转变经济发展方式必须把经济建设转移到依靠到什么轨道上来?在实施十二五规划的过程中为什么要继续深化改革开放? 真正把发展经济转到主要依靠 科技进步和提高劳动者素质的轨道上来 ,怎么理解? 1 Idon't know ()Awhat to do B how to do C what to do it D how can I do it2I guess she ()her father .He's always helping people.A takes after B looks like C is like D looks the same as3I () with chopsticks and spoon in the old days.A used to eating B 高中英语,选择题. 十二五末期是什么时候 第16题 Such a device ___ he was given proved almost worthless.A、asB、likeC、thatD、which my sister is quite _and plans toget an MA degree within one year.A.aggressive B.ambitious A选项也有“有闯劲的,进取的”等意思,正确答案是B,为什么不能选择A. We have failed tomeet this year’s production _________ of 20,000 cars.A.target B.purpose C.intention D.growth为什么D不能选? 关于"城市生活比乡村生活好的观点"的英语作文 谁能帮我写这篇英语作文 城市生活和乡村生活?要求:不少于80词 提示:1.城市生活的优缺点 2.乡村生活的优缺点 3.自己的观点 A study — by allen lucks,director of big brothers big sisters,found volunteerss had better health than nonvolunteers.A was lead B led C leading D was leading 我就是拿不准要不要选was,was在句中不能当谓语吗?为什么不选呢? 谈谈农村生活和城市生活得看法?英语作文带汉语不少于200字 一道高中英语选择题(要理由)Bill Gates, the founder of the software industry , is said to posses $36.4 billion, highest___in Forbes magazine.A ever recordedB was ever recordedC having ever recordedD having ever been recorded When he was awake,he found that he was standing on ____ seemed to be a piece of stone.A.that B.what C.which D.it 推荐5本适合小学四年级中国历史 战争 名人励志的书~在线等答案! 求形势政策论文!"十二五"对于转变经济发展方式紧迫性的理解,并针对性提出若干转变经济发展方式的对策."十二五"对于转变经济发展方式紧迫性的理解,并针对性提出若干转变经济发展方式 -Shall we help you with the gardening?-().My neighbor has offered to help out.But thanks anyway.A.No,take your time.B.It is no trouble.C.No,please do not bothor.D.It is very kind of you.写出具体过程,