
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:07:24
Mike is watching TV now.(改为一般疑问句) I am sweeping the floor.(改为一般疑问句)选择:They are ________a Music lesson.A.having B have C are have选择:Are you drawing pictures in the classroom?______________.A Yes,we do B Yes,I I am free now (改成一般疑问句)怎么改 I am now watching movies变成一般疑问句及肯,否定回答 英语翻译 气质是女人的第一张主牌 求英文翻译? I am the king of the world! "你不值得我爱"用英文怎么说? I am the king of the world 出自哪请来我空间 不值得 的英文动词形容词 I----------the movie king Arthur 我是一个不值得相信的骗子.英文怎么说. 请问"这件事不值得我去做"用英文怎么说? 当做没爱过你翻译成英文是什么 英语翻译RT谢谢你曾让我在记忆里爱过你,我会努力控制自己不沉迷这句话翻译 别忘记我爱过你 翻译成英文. 求问一首英文歌的歌名昨天听到的,但是忘记歌名了,开始的MV是在一个酒吧,一个韩国女人在上面报歌名,后来就来了一个外国女人唱歌,歌名好像是什么love, I don’t think I am different from ()else.l am just the,I don’t think I am different from ()else.l am just the,A.anyoneB.someoneC.noneD.everyone I saw the visitors off just now.I am sorry for it.请帮我翻译一下 just now与just for now的用法与区别1.除了有just now没想到还有just for now,2.just加了for后的just的中文意思为什么?3.just不加for(形如just now)的中文意思是什么?4.just的语法用法5.just不加for而直接加词,那 英语翻译I saw the visitors off just now.I am sorry for it.请帮我翻译这句 (很多)英语翻译 听英文歌儿多的进!求此歌名字!要歌手也有的! 英语做业很多不会做1 How are you going to Beijing?(飞机)2.Who are you going to the bookstore with?(同学)3.What do you do on the weekend?(爬山)4.What are you doing?(读杂志) 5.What can you do?(做家务) .6.How do you go to 英语问题有点多! 问几首英文歌开头有一个渐渐大声的音乐,然后像是一个男的说加油娘子撒,然后后面基本就有女生唱的.是一个挺动听的像是小女孩唱的,开头好像是kikiki悠比一样前两首貌似都是拉丁舞热身曲 1.a she film watched night last 怎么连词成句?2.that he his after called friend补充:week last was there rainy a weekend今天(10月9日))就要! I saw a movie called Hero last night.(同义句) I saw a movie_____ _____ _____ _____ Hero last night. I have just called you.这句话跟I called you just now 有什么区别? There is a film _____ called Monsters VS.Aliens.A.what's just started B.that's just startedC.which just started各人感觉不对,应该选B.just “刚刚”不是用于现在完成时吗?到底是答案错了,还是我错了?请高人指教. 英语翻译如题 英语翻译要跟美国人网上聊天,请帮忙用委婉礼貌的语气翻译下列句子.(注:请根据语境翻译,不要让我出丑)请问你一般几点钟起床?请问你一般几点钟上线?请问你介意与我语音聊天吗?可能 纯英语交流 翻译怎么翻译纯英语交流?谢谢