
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:00:59
I think this film is w___ worth seeing这个W开头的单词写什么? What do you think of this new movie? 改为同义句 ____ do you ____this new movie?为什么? what do you think of this movie 改为同义句_____ _____ you _____ this movie? 谁有在生活【国外】中最常用的英语句子你们谁能教我最常用的英语句子!要最常用的!可以在国外生活的那种句子!急用! 生活中的英语好词好句,尽快, 生活中所能用到的英语句子及单词十分着急! 生活中常用的英语句子有哪些礼貌用语等 那些鞋子是什么颜色?黑色 英语翻译 英语翻译翻译:体验正验正宗台湾量贩式KTV娱乐魅力 The film is based on a novel by Dickens.请翻译 The film was based on a novel by Dickens.无 The film was based on a novel by Dickens.是被动语态吗? Is Tom stilll writing the novel I am afraid not .He is said___the novel already as he has gone to his hometown to look after his father.A.to have finished.B.to finished.C.to have been finished.D.to be finished.为什么选A?为什么said后可以加t the film is much better than the novel it is based on 求汉意 , 求:生活中常用英语的缩略词? 关于生活中60个英语知识,具体指单词,是生活中常用的! 多听英文歌会不会提高英语成绩呢? 阅读英语文章能否提高英语成绩/水平?经常阅读英语文章,生词查词典,这样能否提高英语水平? 这台电脑至少要花五千元翻译 This novel is based on the facts.这么说有没有问题?如果不去掉the的话,先谢谢几位的回答 novel is worthy of_____.This novel is worthy of_____.A.reading B.read C.having read D.being read选哪个, this is the novel is written by Guojingming.A.who B.what C.that D./ the novel was 还是is written by 某某某 This is the novel _____is written by Guo Jingming. A.who B.what C.that我想知道为什么不用what 而是that? 小说是物所以不应该用that么?没学过定语从句,求指点 如何提高英语成绩?特别是听力和完型、阅读 想提高英语成绩,应该看什么书?最好适合中专生,有书名及内容简介. 如何提高英语完型阅读和阅读理解成绩(初三)英语基础不算好也不算差,平常120,也就90多,有的时候阅读和完型都看不懂,词汇量基本就是学过的单词,顺便能不能推荐一本不错的英语阅读书, 常用英文缩略词 常用英语缩略词要100个了! 常见英语缩略词如AFALK as far as i know (就我所知)BF boyfriend 等一定要按格式 有翻译 并且时常用的 His novel is a great success and it is well .A.receivedB.acceptedC.pickedD.popular为什么选A 大家帮我找一下英语常见缩略词的用法啊,如FIFA,UFO,