
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:59:32
there is no doubt whether和there is no doubt that 的区别? 去商场购物是,被扫描过的条码,还具有磁性吗? 哪里有需要磁性标签或者周转箱的.我们这里是专业生产磁性标签、周转箱的工厂.价格低廉.3x7磁性标签仅需 0.65元/个 530x360x230周转箱仅需19.8元/个 北京室内要多管送哦 超市里的商品,除了带磁的标签,还有自带磁性的吗? no living things can live without the light and heat from it,可以替换without的if haven't B.if there is C.if there is no D.if hasn't 1.定语从句:We can"t live without the sun ___ ____we get heat and light.答案是with which,为什么不是from which2.be regarded as后可以加 adj?e.g.What once was regarded as impossible has now become a reality. We can not live without air or( )快 丝绸之路主要经过哪些地区?主要商品是什么?丝绸之路的开辟有什么作用? 伊索寓言中《龟兔赛跑》的寓意还要《狼来了》《农夫和蛇》《狐狸和葡萄》《蚊子和狮子》的寓意 伊索寓言的文言文版(龟兔赛跑) 伊索寓言《龟兔赛跑》的写是什么道理 龟兔赛跑是伊索寓言么 伊索寓言中有没有龟兔赛跑? 跪求怎样看写了几句话?句话、问号、感叹号之外…分号和省略号可以吗 问号、感叹号、书名号、冒号、省略号用键盘怎么打 there is no doubt that..表示毫无疑问..有没有it is no doubt that...我想要确定的答案噢 如果你完全肯定的就告诉我 feel 过去式句型A:What did you do yesterday?B:I went hiking.A:对你昨天所做的事情,感觉怎么样是用How did you feel yesterday?B:I felt happy.感觉用feel过去式felt没错吧?B的回答是过去式的,但不一定是went hikin we can't live without(没有) a____ 过去式句型结构 live,can,only,one,for,or,two,without,about,we,weeks,food 连词成句.特急! 英语阅读题:My name is Jim.Today is my (b ).Dad and mom (b ) ma a big cake.I'm twelve now.I英语阅读题:My name is Jim.Today is my (b 1 ).Dad and mom (b 2 ) ma a big cake.I'm twelve now.I like cakes.On the (t 3 ) of my bedroom you (c 4) se 英语翻译(1)驴行野,闻草虫鸣,悦焉,而欲效其声.问曰:"尔食饮何属,而鸣如此?"虫曰:"亦饮露耳."驴审饮露善,乃去刍而露饮.积十日,驴死.(2)冬,蚁出曝其夏取之栗,他虫饥,过其侧,乞栗与蚁.蚁曰:"而 翻译英语句子my mom is messed up 英语翻译THE VAIN JACKDAW - Jupiter announced that he intended to appoint a king over the birds,and named a day on which they were to appear before his throne,when he would select the most beautiful of them all to be their ruler.Wishing to look th 请英语高手找出出错的问题,Those Canadian stamps is from my dad's friend. 英语翻译The fable shows that senible men,when they have put to the test the wickedness of certain people,are no longer taken in by their falseness.如何翻译以下几句话~1.they have put to the test the wickedness of certain people2.怎么 英语翻译越快越好拜托了 凉州词 王翰阅读答案 1.前两句诗意 2.古来征战几人回除了句号,用问号、感叹号、还是省略号好写出理由不用了 A.which B.that C.what Dwhethersome researcher believe that there is no doubt --- a cure for AIDS will be found.the play brought the scene back to my mind how i was looked after by the villagers.A.how B.when C,which D.that there is some water in that bottle , isn't _____? a there b it c that d those Some researchers believe that there is no doubt that a cure for AIDS will be found翻译汉语 how long can a person live without food and wateri want the answer to be both FOOD and WATER中文回答也OK.