
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:46:30
I WiLL SPEND MORE MONEY TO GET A GOOD JOB? 1.Here are a pen and two books for you. 2.There are no leaves on the trees in winter. 为什么谓语都要用are? here __ a pen and two books to for you.A.is B.are C.have ___any milk in the room?A.Is there B.Are there C.There isn't 选取那个,为什么其它不行, 改错:here the books are for you Are these your mew erasers?肯定回答:否定回答 Are these your photos(作否定回答) Why are you looking for another job _____ you have one here in town?A.if B.because C.when D.where If you are so happy where you are,why are you looking for another job? 低级英语问题 一个句子 you will have an advantage when you look for a job/looking for a job>? Are you still looking for thar place?这句英语用汉语怎么说? I have ( ) to do.Please give me ( )to read.A.something;anything B.nothing;somethingc.nothing;everthing D.anything;nothing here的同义词 here and therede 的同义词 be seated 与seat的用法 seat过去式,过去分词,正确的! He _ C__died in that traffic accident.He was hurt badly.A.already B.hardly C.nearlyD.truly 我选的是A.我觉得后面那句“他受了重伤”我觉得是对于前面“他已经死于那场交通事故”而作的解释.可以选A吗? Please read Lesson Eight.改为同义句 轧计读音怎么读. 两个祈使句用and连接对吗?有什么要注意的吗? Take a seat have a seat Sitdown有什么区别牛津选择题Take a seat 和Sitdown意思相近,have a seat 不选为什么 got a seat 与have a seat的区别 Are these your dictionary?( 作否定回答) Are these your keys?做否定回答 Open your books ( )read after me .A.but B.and C.so D.or 1.Who___(be)these girls?2.These___(be)my dictionaries.3.What__(be)they.4---Who___that woman over?---Sho ___Li Wing is mother.(be)5.Tom and I ___(be)at school.6.Miss Wang is__(I)English teacher.__(she) is a good teacher.___(she) very much .7---Where a these girls are my cousins. -------these girlsthese girls are my cousins. -------these girls 英语祈使句and表示递进吗?比如 Open the window and air the room 可以换成air the room and open the window oh!( ) it's spring in china,it's fall in australia He will fall in love with China when he gets ChinaHe will fall in love with China when he gets China 这个句式对么 中文名拼音"liao changlong"想起一个与拼音押韵的英文名,而且要C,L为主音,比如"C...l...liao"我指的只是名``就如"C.l." "理查隆" "L.c.l"`如此类的字母为主的读音```就是说要和中文名拼音是谐音的意思 liao hai chang 取什么英文名 请注释中文名怎么读 spain 读音