
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:53:33
西语tener什么意思 tener fiebre 西班牙语tener fiebre,这是书本上的句子,fiebre是名词,为什么不加不定冠语,tener una fiebre? In that place ,we really have problems______In that place ,we really have problems________.A.breathe B.breathing C.breathed D.to breathe are they visiting the great wall now We are visiting the Great Wall these days.(同义句)We are _______ _______ _______ to the Great Wall these days. (17:7)I can watch TV --school night,but I have to be in bed --9:30.A.in;at B.on;by C.at;by D.on;after it's important ( )your healthbe important 后什么时候加to 什么时候加for Please give me three years to prove.中文意思是 when did you __your clothes__?A.have,washing B.get,washing C.get washed D.have ,wash -Did you wash your clothes?-No,I wanted to but I ____ visitors.A.am having B.have C.had D.不填请说明理由 分别与两条异面直线都相交的两条直线一定是不平行的直线 为什么? 若两条直线不是异面直线,则这两条直线平行过相交, 现在进行时 She's doing her homework改为否定句 一般疑问句 肯定回答是?否定回答是? 竹,生活.用英语怎么讲? 英语作文I likes and dislikes likes and dislikes 什么意思,为何要加s 竹青林翻译成英文怎么念 开这么高的价简直是敲竹杆 怎么翻译成英文 I play football f____ three to four in the afternoon every Tuerday填入适当的单词 请拼一下英语怎么写 “拼一下”英语怎么写 通常的英语怎么拼? ask what u can do 4 America是什么意思? 查字典,填空7.“幽”字是___结构,用音序查字法,应先查字母____;用部首查字法查___,再查___画.“幽”字接释有:①僻静;②沉静,安闲;③幽静;④所谓阴间;⑤古地区名 查字典填空朱亮在课外阅读中遇到“秉公办事”中的“秉”字不认识,应用____查字法查字典,先查____再查____.老师告诉他这个字念“bǐng”,这样一来,可用____查字法,先 用查字典的知识填空按字母的顺序排列,“深入浅出”四个字的先后顺序是?,“举一反三”四个字的先后顺序是? 按查字典的要求填空如果我不认识“眷”,就得用( )查字法,先查( ),再查( ).借助字典就可以读准它的字音:( ),还可以理解“眷恋"的意思:A顾恋,爱恋;亲属( ) He got there at around 4o'clock in the afternoon.为什么用around不用about Do you have to wash your clothes?______.I think it's too bad.Do you have to wash your clothes?___________.I think it's too bad.填Yes还是No? there are t( )month in a year and the l( )month is december填入合适的单词 作文450字 题目是 合作 要有好词佳句不是散文是通过具体事例来体现合作2字 急:-( 请选择名句题目和原文1、造物无言却有情,每于寒尽觉春生.2、今夜偏知春气暖,虫声新透绿窗纱.3、此夜曲中闻折柳,何人不起故园情.4、卧看满天云不动,不知云与我去东.5、不是花中偏爱菊,