
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:42:34
设立特别行政区是我国实现“一国两制”构想的成功做法.我国的特别行政区有?设立特别行政区是我国实现“一国两制”构想的成功做法.我国的特别行政区有( ) ①香港 ②深圳 ③上海 ④ 以A Helpful Person I Never Forget为题写篇作文以A Helpful Person I Never Forget为题写篇英语作文(词数80个左右)急救 1.读下面的句子,体会每句话的语气,在括号里填上句子的类型.①皮鞋匠静静地听着.( ) ②这场雨下得及时,真是久旱逢甘露呀!( ) ③这扇门是你修好的吗?( ) ④是啊,莺鸳儿,你要好好保 读下面句子,体会每句话的语气,在括号里填上句子的类型.啊,多么可爱的祖国呀!( )喂,上课了,赶快进教室!( ) 体会句子的语气,在括号里填上句子的类型他把头靠的胸墙上,望着漆黑的夜空,完全陷入了对未来的憧憬里.他把头靠的胸墙上,望着漆黑的夜空,完全陷入了对未来的憧憬里。( ) 1997年7月1日,香港回归.(改为拟人句) 修改病句:小明知道自己错了,心情很繁重. 小明知道自己犯错了,心情很繁重 怎么改病句 修改病句.3、李明知道自己错了,心情很繁重. 词形变化!提示词为:wonder.I think this is a() place to have a party. I think garden is the_〔good〕place to grow fiowers I think a park is a good place(是to go to还是go to还是其他的) 英语翻译求翻译:Never shall i forget the day when i first made a speech before a large number of people. I shall never forget those years ___I liveed in the country with the farmers ,___has a great effect on my life.A.that;whichB.when;whichC.when ;whoD.which;that The day __I shall never forget is the one __I joined the army.A that where B when;in whichC which when D on which;why选哪一个,为什么? I shall never forget those years __ I lived in the country.I shall never forget those years __ I lived in the country with the farmers,__ has agreat effect on my life.两空分别填什么词?原因. more than friend I shall never forget the day.这句话对吗?还是把shall never 换成don't always 或will more than friends是什么意思?我问我们现在到底是friends还是in relationship?他说:i do like you a lot.然后又说我们是more than friends.这个是说,我们more than friends,但不是恋爱关系,还是不只是朋友,就是恋爱 英语翻译I've had my fair share of playing gamesAll types of relationshipBut they didn't amount to thisFor all this time i've been searching girlIt's crazy i couldn't seeIt was right there in front of meBaby it's youThe only one i call when i'm do 这个女孩正在做作业用英语怎么说? never will i forget you street 和 avenue的区别 Street /Avenue /Boulevard 三者的细微区别是什么?Street 是街、街道的意思.Avenue 和Boulevard 有大街、林荫道的意思.那么在句子中,什么时候该用什么词呢?帮我分别举例说明下吧!Thanks! 比较描述北方和南方的自然环境特征和人文特征具体:比较描述北方和南方的自然环境特征(气候、地形、河流、植被)和人文特征(工业、农业、城市、交通、科技) 自然环境和人文特征25字以内 用“心”组十个词语“心”字一定要在后面 王民知道自己错了,他的心情很繁重.(修改病句) 植物有什么样的旅行方法 爱上你用英语怎么说. 用然和心字组五个词语写一段话 "爱上你"的英文是什么?"爱上你"还有"发现新大陆"这两个词的英文怎么说?